Alpha Technology

Alpha Technology

Alpha ionization is the static elimination solution of choice for many organizations because of its flexibility, reliability, lack of maintenance, and ability to perform in environments where an electrical ionizer is not an option. NRD is the only company to offer advanced alpha ionization technology and has spent over 30 years perfecting safe, effective solutions that meet the demands of customers worldwide.
Alpha ionization technology

What is Alpha Ionization?

Ionization energy
Alpha ionization uses polonium 210, a naturally occurring radioisotope found in the soil, plants, vegetables, etc. Exceptionally effective as an ion source to neutralize static charges, polonium 210 releases a form of energy known as alpha energy.

Static charges tend to develop when different materials rub against one another. Some materials pick up excess electrons, resulting in negative static charge, while other materials give up electrons, resulting in a positive charge. If the charged material is non-conductive (as are films, glasses, ceramic, and plastics), then the static charge remains.

NRD’s polonium 210 element emits alpha particles (positively charged helium atoms) that collide with molecules of air, creating a supply of oxygen and nitrogen ions sufficient to neutralize both positive and negative static charges to zero volts without ozone creation. After they provide the neutralizing power for static to be eliminated, the ions recombine with each other again and become normal air.

This method of ionization is always balanced, unlike electrical ionization, which cannot maintain <± 5 volts. Because of this method, alpha ionization is not limited to emitter pins, which is used by corona ionization to create ions. Corona ionization will go out of balance and the emitter pins need to be maintained and replaced, whereas alpha ionization remains in constant balance.

Alpha particles collide with surrounding air molecules, creating pairs of positive and negative ions. No external energy source is required as it is with corona solutions. Alpha ionization is not limited to an emitter point, as it is with electrical, so it is a very effective and predictable method of ionization. Static charges are neutralized right at the source, with the ionization process remaining in constant balance. That translates to improved results and cost efficiencies.

Alpha Advantages

  • Ideal in high and low temperatures (-40C to +180C)
  • Safe in volatile or solvent-laden environments
  • Works in both air or nitrogen
  • Flexible enough to fit in most locations
  • No monthly calibration or maintenance required
  • No fuzz balls or nano particles
  • No voltage offset or balance wander
  • No balance readjustments necessary
  • No outside power source necessary
  • No risk of electrical shock
  • No downtime or yield losses
  • No radio frequency interference
  • More cost effective than electrical solutions

Ideal Uses for Alpha


Applications with temperature extremes (-40°C to 180°C)


Areas with tight confines, like a handler

Applications involving Class 0, highly static sensitive parts
In fields of high technology, electronics manufacturing and testing

Alpha Safety and Reliability

Polonium 210 poses no hazard to workers or materials. In fact, after several decades of field use in NRD products, there have never been any safety concerns.

NRD uses an encapsulation process to lock the radioisotope inside a solid foil of pressure-welded gold and silver, assuring the most safely sealed ionization source available, resistant to oxidation, extreme temperatures, and exposure to solvents. And, since alpha energy is not capable of penetrating even paper, there is no possibility of it causing exposure from outside your body, even if an NRD ionizer unit is subject to the types of impact or vibration common in industrial use.

Safety Facts

  • Polonium-210 can’t escape unless the foil is ground into a powder. It’s integral to the foil.
  • Radioactivity half-life of Polonium-210 is 138 days.
  • All but .01% of the radioactivity turns to lead within 5 years.
Alpha particles

Alpha Quality Standard

Naturally, our products must meet stringent quality and production testing. In addition to our own comprehensive tests, they have successfully completed all tests and evaluation programs required by the U.S. government including, ANSI N542 and ISO 2919 standards. Our alpha line of products are intrinsically safe.

No maintenance is required on the ionizers other than a yearly replacement of the source.

Did You Know?

There are many types of nuclear energy and not all are scary. Many everyday products, materials and activities–similar to alpha ionizers–can produce minute, yet measurable exposures, including:

  • Clocks
  • Televisions
  • Smoke detectors
  • Gas cooking ranges
  • Medical X-rays
  • Bricks and masonry

NRD ionizers use a safe, effective, totally encapsulated source of nuclear energy. They emit ions, not nuclear energy. And they do not cause any measurable exposure.

For more information about our products and solutions for your operation, please contact NRD, LLC today.


NRD, LLC USA Headquarters, Sales & Manufacturing

2937 Alternate Blvd
Grand Island, NY 14072

NRD Asia Pte. Ltd.

26 Kallang Place, #06-17
Singapore 339157


NRD, LLC USA Headquarters, Sales & Manufacturing

2937 Alternate Blvd
Grand Island, NY 14072

NRD Asia Pte. Ltd.

26 Kallang Place, #06-17
Singapore 339157